Did you know if your identity is stolen, you are responsible for proving your innocence?
My IDTHEFT Assist Will Do the Work for You!

To Learn More!
- Connector.
Emergency Response Kit
Receive a step-by-step guide when you fall victim to theft or breach.
- Connector.
Unlimited Restoration/Recovery Services
Assistance restoring your credit and/or financial reputation.
- Connector.
Lost Wallet/Purse Assistance
Help replacing missing items and contacting financial institutions.
- Connector.
Alert Detection
Click the “Red Alert-Not Me” button to stop fradulent transactions.
- Connector.
24/7 Monitoring
Monitor your Social Security Number, debit and credit cards and personal information for suspicious activity.
Don't wait! Protect your family now
In the time it takes you to read this sentence, identity fraud will have been committed more than 5 times.
Enroll Now and Get Protected